One of the most exciting components of my new role at WSM involves the opportunity to connect with our church partners who minister in chapel. It has been an exciting privilege to not only build relationships within the Body of Christ, but to appreciate the diversity that many of these ministries bring to the table. One particular ministry that has served our community at WSM for many years is Takin' it 2 The Streets which is led by Pastor Al Terhune. Pastor Al’s team has been faithfully travelling from New Jersey to bring one of the most unique and creative presentations of The Gospel that I have experienced.
Michael Kerrigone
Program Counselor
Water Street Mission, Lancaster PA.
Michael Kerrigone
Program Counselor
Water Street Mission, Lancaster PA.
For two years Al Terhune has been an anchor evangelist in the Good News Tent of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Jackson at the Mississippi State Fair in October. His enthusiasm, energy, and compassion have been marvelous to see as he has worked often 12 hour days with his compelling proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the thousands of fairgoers of all ages who come by our tent. We may have 2500 to 3600 men, women, and children of all ages who come inside to hear the story with the Wordless Book, and Al patiently, persistently, and winsomely points his listeners to Christ. He may gather a crowd on the midway with his interesting illusions, but immediately begins explaining the more intriguing drama of God’s love for sinners. Al’s love for the Lord and for people of every race, background, and age is evident. He is a humble and considerate man of God who enjoys working with other Christians using his gifts, talents, and knowledge of Scripture to draw persuasive word pictures of the greatest story ever told. We pray the Lord of the harvest will continue to use His servant, Al, to minister among us here in the Deep South for years to come.
Rev. Paul L. Nasekos
CEF™ of Jackson
[email protected]
Rev. Paul L. Nasekos
CEF™ of Jackson
[email protected]
I went with Al to California and Arizona recently. This is now the fifth trip I’ve made with Al and his team to the left half of the USA . I must say that we usually have a pretty tight itinerary, with enough flexibility to allow the Lord to jumble things according to His own timetable. But this time, we were pretty much waiting on the Lord for each step of the way. The word I would use to characterize this trip however would be subjection because we learned to remain subject to God’s will. I was particularly moved to see that God worked on the sidelines as it were, moving in peoples’ lives that had no intention of going to church, attending an outreach or who didn’t think that God had them in mind.
We’ve learned from previous trips that God prepares these hearts and has done so from eternity past; the Divine Appointments which characterizes Al’s ministry.
We explained to several of these folks that our meeting had been no coincidence. Now I believe that people are a pretty superstitious bunch, and ears are tickled when they hear of supernatural happenings, but when they come face-to-face with the reality that the Creator of the universe had them in mind ages ago and sent us to speak with them about Jesus, they are pretty much blown away!
I usually come away from each trip with a sense of accomplishment as I reflect on the things the Lord had done, but this time I feel; no, I know that I have not completed a trip with Al, rather I just took a side road from my own missions trip called my life. For example, while at the Phoenix airport, I called my wife, Ruth to let her know that I was on the way home and what time I should arrive. “Well,” she said, “It’s over now, so you can relax.” I told her, “But it’s not over. I only ended this one facet of the mission.”, because I know that being back at work, I will be reflecting on the things the Lord has shown me and reaching out to my co-workers; young engineers pretty much fresh out of the universities and colleges who haven’t a clue as to Who God is let alone the Person of Jesus Christ!
If you have never taken a step of faith to accompany Al, I strongly recommend taking a few days to go and see what our God is capable of. I guarantee you will come away with a new sense of purpose and utility when you realize that He has used you for a very specific and glorious purpose and is able to do so even in our mundane and seemingly insignificant lives. Friends, we live in a dark and dying world. People all over are just hoping someone, anyone will tell them that they care, that there is a God who has great and wonderful plans for their lives. Don’t fall for the lie that people are hard-hearted and indifferent towards the gospel. I know there are those out there that are, but from recent experiences I can say that they are the exception rather than the rule. People need the Lord and how else shall they learn of Him unless we, His own children tell them?
Tony Curiale, New Jersey
California and Arizona , 2008
We’ve learned from previous trips that God prepares these hearts and has done so from eternity past; the Divine Appointments which characterizes Al’s ministry.
We explained to several of these folks that our meeting had been no coincidence. Now I believe that people are a pretty superstitious bunch, and ears are tickled when they hear of supernatural happenings, but when they come face-to-face with the reality that the Creator of the universe had them in mind ages ago and sent us to speak with them about Jesus, they are pretty much blown away!
I usually come away from each trip with a sense of accomplishment as I reflect on the things the Lord had done, but this time I feel; no, I know that I have not completed a trip with Al, rather I just took a side road from my own missions trip called my life. For example, while at the Phoenix airport, I called my wife, Ruth to let her know that I was on the way home and what time I should arrive. “Well,” she said, “It’s over now, so you can relax.” I told her, “But it’s not over. I only ended this one facet of the mission.”, because I know that being back at work, I will be reflecting on the things the Lord has shown me and reaching out to my co-workers; young engineers pretty much fresh out of the universities and colleges who haven’t a clue as to Who God is let alone the Person of Jesus Christ!
If you have never taken a step of faith to accompany Al, I strongly recommend taking a few days to go and see what our God is capable of. I guarantee you will come away with a new sense of purpose and utility when you realize that He has used you for a very specific and glorious purpose and is able to do so even in our mundane and seemingly insignificant lives. Friends, we live in a dark and dying world. People all over are just hoping someone, anyone will tell them that they care, that there is a God who has great and wonderful plans for their lives. Don’t fall for the lie that people are hard-hearted and indifferent towards the gospel. I know there are those out there that are, but from recent experiences I can say that they are the exception rather than the rule. People need the Lord and how else shall they learn of Him unless we, His own children tell them?
Tony Curiale, New Jersey
California and Arizona , 2008
"The Lord placed a very unique ministry upon Al & Linda Terhune of Takin' It 2 The Streets, an evangelistic street ministry. Their labor weaves the Word of God around 'illusion' that Al masterfully presents in order to capture hearts of men for Jesus Christ.
Al and I have traveled together on several mission outreaches overseas and nationally. I have witnessed of him to never miss an opportunity to share the gospel; whether to an unsuspecting airport security officer ... leading him through an impromptu gospel message using slight-of-hand ... or to preach and give alter call in a third-world country to several hundred people. Al is always on, and is always ready to serve.
It has been our personal pleasure to stand with Al and Linda in ministry, to watch them in times of uncertainty, and to pray for them in times of need. We consider it a blessing of God to know them as our brother and sister in the Lord and call them our dear friends.
Together, the Terhunes are solid shepherds of God's Message of Love for His Son, Jesus Christ. Unsuspectingly, they have been witnesses to us when they sacrificially decided to part from one another while Linda was critically-ill, so Al could take the gospel out as planned to another country. That is the truest definition of witnesses for the Kingdom, servants and proclaimers of the Most High God."
Bill & Linda Staffieri
Calvary Chapel JESUS Film Outreach
Al and I have traveled together on several mission outreaches overseas and nationally. I have witnessed of him to never miss an opportunity to share the gospel; whether to an unsuspecting airport security officer ... leading him through an impromptu gospel message using slight-of-hand ... or to preach and give alter call in a third-world country to several hundred people. Al is always on, and is always ready to serve.
It has been our personal pleasure to stand with Al and Linda in ministry, to watch them in times of uncertainty, and to pray for them in times of need. We consider it a blessing of God to know them as our brother and sister in the Lord and call them our dear friends.
Together, the Terhunes are solid shepherds of God's Message of Love for His Son, Jesus Christ. Unsuspectingly, they have been witnesses to us when they sacrificially decided to part from one another while Linda was critically-ill, so Al could take the gospel out as planned to another country. That is the truest definition of witnesses for the Kingdom, servants and proclaimers of the Most High God."
Bill & Linda Staffieri
Calvary Chapel JESUS Film Outreach
People are saying that Europe, including the UK, is spiritually dead. So is the UK dead to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38. I would rather trust the words of Jesus than the words of man. So, we continue to ask the Lord to allow us to see the plentiful harvest through His eternal eyes, not through the eyes of man. As the Lord continues to burden our hearts to pray for the salvation of the lost, we continue to see Him answer our prayers. We are trusting in the work of His Hoy Spirit, that He is faithfully convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, and that He is drawing all men unto Himself just as He promised He would do. Therefore, we believe that people are ready to hear the Good News.
One way that the Lord has answered our prayers, is that he sent the team from Takin' It 2 The Streets to Inverness, Scotland where we are currently ministering. The Lord opened the door for us to visit a school on the black Isle in the Highlands. The team also preached the Gospel at various other adult and youth Bible studies. Everywhere the team went, people came to faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord, young and old alike. Al Terhune and the Takin' It team are evangelists gifted by God. Lord willing, we hope to have them back anytime they are available in the future. Please join us in prayer for those that came to faith in Jesus, that we might see them become disciples.
I thank God for Al, Bruce, and the whole Takin' It team. Grace and peace to you.
Leo Rose
Inverness (Scotland) Bible Fellowship
One way that the Lord has answered our prayers, is that he sent the team from Takin' It 2 The Streets to Inverness, Scotland where we are currently ministering. The Lord opened the door for us to visit a school on the black Isle in the Highlands. The team also preached the Gospel at various other adult and youth Bible studies. Everywhere the team went, people came to faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord, young and old alike. Al Terhune and the Takin' It team are evangelists gifted by God. Lord willing, we hope to have them back anytime they are available in the future. Please join us in prayer for those that came to faith in Jesus, that we might see them become disciples.
I thank God for Al, Bruce, and the whole Takin' It team. Grace and peace to you.
Leo Rose
Inverness (Scotland) Bible Fellowship
It was such a blessing to have Al Terhune ministering with and to us here in El Centro, CA at Christ Community Church. While Al was here we were able to set up outreaches in Imperial County, California and Mexicali, B.C.N. in Mexico.
We truly enjoyed seeing him continuously and tirelessly minister to anyone and everyone around him. The planned outreaches caught the attention of large numbers of people and allowed them to be ministered to. In addition to those wonderful outreaches we received refreshing surprises when we were with him in restaurants, stores and on the street watching him continue to minister to waitresses, clerks and the general public everywhere we went.
It is amazing to see how Al can use a trick or an illusion to grab the attention of someone and immediately begin to use it for a teachable moment that allows them to reflect on their relationship with the Lord. His methods are skillful, natural and effective when sharing the Lord with Christians and/or Non-Christians. The Holy Spirit has truly blessed him with the ability speak to the heart and meet spiritual and physical needs of those he ministers to.
We were greatly blessed by his ministry and look forward to his next visit to our area.
We would like to encourage any church or ministry that would like to increase their effectiveness in an outreach or outreach ministry to include Al Terhune. Our greatest reward in serving the Lord is seeing people turn their lives over to Jesus. Al Terhune is a great resource for reaching the lost as well as igniting the desire within believers to share Jesus with others.
John Thompson
Associate Pastor
Christ Community Church
We truly enjoyed seeing him continuously and tirelessly minister to anyone and everyone around him. The planned outreaches caught the attention of large numbers of people and allowed them to be ministered to. In addition to those wonderful outreaches we received refreshing surprises when we were with him in restaurants, stores and on the street watching him continue to minister to waitresses, clerks and the general public everywhere we went.
It is amazing to see how Al can use a trick or an illusion to grab the attention of someone and immediately begin to use it for a teachable moment that allows them to reflect on their relationship with the Lord. His methods are skillful, natural and effective when sharing the Lord with Christians and/or Non-Christians. The Holy Spirit has truly blessed him with the ability speak to the heart and meet spiritual and physical needs of those he ministers to.
We were greatly blessed by his ministry and look forward to his next visit to our area.
We would like to encourage any church or ministry that would like to increase their effectiveness in an outreach or outreach ministry to include Al Terhune. Our greatest reward in serving the Lord is seeing people turn their lives over to Jesus. Al Terhune is a great resource for reaching the lost as well as igniting the desire within believers to share Jesus with others.
John Thompson
Associate Pastor
Christ Community Church
Throughout the scriptures we find God doing His almighty work through the most diverse “vessels.” The Holy Spirit always ministers with wonder and amazement when He anoints a person for a Gospel presentation that bears abundant fruit. Such was the experience of Trinity Bible Church when Al Terhune of “Takin' It 2 the Streets” came to minister at our Missions Sunday event. Both believers who needed a fresh start and non-believers who gave their lives to the Lord for the first time were part of the harvest of around 25 souls. I commend Al and this ministry to anyone who is open to see what God’s creative and redemptive work through a powerful and willing servant. Trinity was truly blessed and our congregation was truly moved toward evangelistic fervor. Like Jesus Himself, Al and his ministry teams truly “take it to the streets!”
Lenny Bernotas
Senior Pastor
Trinity Bible Church, Allenwood NJ
Lenny Bernotas
Senior Pastor
Trinity Bible Church, Allenwood NJ
What a great ministry Takin' It 2 The Streets has brought to us here in Cuenca, Ecuador. Lots of laughs and many "awes" as thousands of children and adults watched the illusions with great surprise, as the Gospel of Jesus was presented in each of the presentations. It is an amazing way to share the love of God... whether in schools or in the jail or on the street, many lives were touched by this powerful ministry. I cannot recommend Takin' It 2 The Streets more highly to anyone who has a heart to reach the lost in their city!!!
Kevin ONeil
Calvary Chapel of Cuenca, Ecuador
Kevin ONeil
Calvary Chapel of Cuenca, Ecuador
Al Terhune has been used by the Lord to effectively minister in our church and to evangelize in the Puerto Rico area. Al uses his many gifts to glorify the Lord and to lead people to Him. I believe in, and wholeheartedly endorse, the ministry Al has been called to fulfill by the Lord. I personally witnessed the fire our Father lit in the hearts of all those who participated in evangelistic outreach during two recent visits that Al lead here. His style is unique and I believe anyone with a call to evangelism will benefit from the training Al is offering.
Les Sowiak
Ministry Assistant
Calvary Chapel of Puerto Rico
Les Sowiak
Ministry Assistant
Calvary Chapel of Puerto Rico
I have known Al Terhune for 3 years and endorse the ministry that he is involved in. He is a gifted evangelist and has demonstrated a maturity and love for the work of the Lord and for God's people.
Pastor Dan Crespo
Calvary Chapel of Puerto Rico
Pastor Dan Crespo
Calvary Chapel of Puerto Rico