What We Do
We are a ministry geared toward all areas of evangelism. We offer evangelism training through what we call "mini-crusades" where Christians can learn to share their faith with boldness either one to one, open air or through local outreaches.
Who does the teaching and training?
Al Terhune has been teaching Christians the importance of evangelism and how to reach our generation for 35 years.
What do we offer in training sessions?
Each session of evangelism training teaches Christians how to share the Gospel quickly, boldly, and effectively. We use various tools such as using tracts, face painting, balloon animals, illusions, a sketch board, music, and other tools in which the Gospel can be presented by grabbing the attention of others.
Next, we apply what was learned from the sessions by hands-on practice in evangelism and outreach during a special event called a "mini-crusade." It is an outreach event that will allow members of the host fellowship to get involved and apply what they have learned.
Finally, once the evangelism training and "mini-crusade" have been completed, our goal is to encourage the host fellowship to train additional servants as well as plan and stage outreach events independently.
Al Terhune will also be available by phone to coach and counsel fellowships as they step out and begin running outreach events on their own.
Who does the teaching and training?
Al Terhune has been teaching Christians the importance of evangelism and how to reach our generation for 35 years.
What do we offer in training sessions?
Each session of evangelism training teaches Christians how to share the Gospel quickly, boldly, and effectively. We use various tools such as using tracts, face painting, balloon animals, illusions, a sketch board, music, and other tools in which the Gospel can be presented by grabbing the attention of others.
Next, we apply what was learned from the sessions by hands-on practice in evangelism and outreach during a special event called a "mini-crusade." It is an outreach event that will allow members of the host fellowship to get involved and apply what they have learned.
Finally, once the evangelism training and "mini-crusade" have been completed, our goal is to encourage the host fellowship to train additional servants as well as plan and stage outreach events independently.
Al Terhune will also be available by phone to coach and counsel fellowships as they step out and begin running outreach events on their own.